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Why am I breaking out so much more now and how can i treat it?

Remember when we thought breakouts were reserved for the years during middle and high school? Post-puberty days are supposed to mean clear, radiant skin, right? Think again. Adult acne is on the rise—here some possible reasons.

Why You Might be Breaking Out


It’s become part of our vocabulary at this point. The acne and irritation caused by wearing a cloth face mask can be really frustrating. Sure, you can cover it up with your mask when you’re out in public, but it’s still not ideal. Maskne is caused by a buildup of bacteria and sweat under your mask that clogs your pores. It is also a side effect of the friction and heat caused by the fabric rubbing against your skin, breaking down your skin barrier, and allowing conditions like rosacea, eczema, and seborrheic dermatitis to flare up.


If you’ve noticed a pimple or two pop up during the difficult, overwhelming times in your life, you’re not alone. Stress is a direct cause of acne. When you are feeling overwhelmed and your body goes into fight or flight mode, you produce more of the hormone cortisol. Cortisol releases sugar into your bloodstream and increases inflammation, which causes skin conditions like eczema, psoriasis, and acne to rear thier ugly heads. Plus, stress actually makes your skin produce more oil and sweat, simultaneously clogging your pores and dehydrating your skin.


Not only does the hormone cortisol cause acne, hormone fluctuations around your menstrual cycle can also make your skin break out. Right before you get your period, your estrogen and progesterone levels drop and testosterone rises. This change can trigger your skin to produce extra oil and clog your pores, especially on the lower half of your face, along your jaw and around your mouth. Hormone fluctuations around menopause and pregnancy can also cause acne to flare up.

What You Can Do About It

Well, you can’t stop wearing a face mask and you can’t stop your hormones from doing what they need to do. But you can take some steps to treat and prevent pimples.

When it comes to maskne, be sure to always wear a clean mask. Whether you opt for a disposable version or wash yours daily, it’s important to keep them clean so the bacteria doesn’t linger and transfer to your skin. Be sure to use a fragrance-free detergent formulated for sensitive skin to avoid any extra irritation. And cleanse your face thoroughly every day and night to clear away sweat, dirt, and oil.

The simple solution to stress? Relax. But let’s be honest, that’s always not an option. Thankfully, topical products can help. Keep oil production under control with a purifying treatment that draws dirt and oil or of your pores. And fight free radicals caused by stress with antioxidants like vitamin C—the same goes for acne caused by hormones. Treating your skin to a clarifying mask in the days leading up to your period, or even just once a week, can also prevent pimples.